Summary Project 2

For my web-text assignment I decided to use Weebly because it was the most easy and straightforward to use. For my website I wanted to give the reader a feel of geography and being outside. That is why I chose the backgrounds I did, I felt they gave the audience a good sense of my topic. Then I used two videos to go along with two of my pages along with in text links in each section, I believe that they were also able to enhance the audiences feel for cultural geography. I put the first video on the home screen because it gave good insight into what it means to be a cultural geographer, while also coinciding with what I presented on my home page. I gave an introduction on Cultural Geography while providing some examples and delving a bit deeper into what it means to practice cultural geography. I did this because I thought it would be a good idea to reach all audiences with an introduction type opening on the home page to bring in those who are academic and in the field and those who might have just started in the field. I ended the home page with a conclusion trying to challenge the audience to really get into their field so they have the best understanding that they possibly can have. And so they can relay the proper information to their fellow students and/or colleagues. Because that is the most important part, especially in a field that can could lend itself to subjectivity instead of objectivity. The second page is to let the reader know about the advances in technology in this current age, we are experiencing such rapid technological gains that it is helping out Cultural Geography in a variety of ways, providing access to find out new information that wasn’t previously there. Meant to inspire those who new the field. My third and final page dove into one of the main aspects of Cultural Geography, which is field research. Letting know the audience about placing importance on hands on work on the topic you study is the best way to gain knowledge.

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