Optional Blog Entry

For Blog 5 it was easy for me to sample 4 the four categories that were required without much thought. But after I sent in the blog I wondered if those were the best options because the categories were fairly broad. I thought they were a good summary of what I represented online and the databasis that I exist on. The four overarching themes I chose were good because I could go into great detail with them and also be able to explain them well. They are things that I have a lot of knowledge on and are interested in. Being able to put these into a screen that is cohesive enough to be understood will be a challenge though. The key I believe to making my site successful is having it be aesthetically pleasing to the audience. Maybe my site will spark some interest or questions in the audience, that they will look into some of the themes on my site. Working in electracy definitely will help my site because it plays right into some of the elements of electracy; internet, entertainment, style, and aesthetics. Using a platform such as a website that everyone is familiar with is the perfect gateway to showcase my digital identity. Trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing and knowledgeable, while having the most meaning to myself is what I hope to achieve.

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