Blog 4

“There are to-do apps that show us how efficient we are and time monitors that track whether we’re spending time using a word-processor or checking Facebook” Pg 62 Chapter 5
This quote strikes me because I would really like to know how much time a day I spend on the laptop vs. being active. When you go through your day to day, you do not really realize how much time you are spending on your laptop. Whether it be for school activities or not so school related activities. I would say that I probably spend more time then I realize and could possibly be shocking, especially on Facebook like the quote states. An app that measures time efficiency would be nice to have so that you could be more efficient with your time and it would be a way to be more organized with you daily activities. It raises the question of whether or not we are becoming too reliant on technology instead of being efficient on our own accord.
“According to Vaidhyanathan, we don’t know all the ways in which we are being watched,
but we know that they are extensive, and that we are watched by many different entities: governments, corporations and criminals.” Pg 85 Chapter 6
This quote also is interesting to me because it is sort of scary. With all this access that is available through technology it doesn’t seem unreasonable that we would be watched to some extent, since everyone nowadays owns a smartphone or a laptop. I can tell that I have been monitored online because on my facebook or email I will get emails or adds that pop up from things that I like, such as sports, music, and shoes without me doing anything. How else would “they” know this except for monitoring my purchases or site history. I wonder sometimes whether the sites when purchasing are as safe as they really say. I mean google has saved my Credit card information so I can purchase things with one click. It makes you wonder who or what is behind it all or who are the ones that have access to this?

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